Younger Worshipers
We are pleased to offer a nursery for our youngest worshippers, ages infant to prekinder, on Sundays from 9:45 - 11:45 am. Our nursery workers are professionals provided by a highly vetted local agency Trusting Connections. We do this to ensure the highest level of care is given each time you drop off your little ones, so you can have peace of mind. The nursery staff will sign them in, provide loving care, and they can page you at any time if needed via a pager similar to those used at restaurants.
Children are cared for in body and spirit, as our nursery staff teaches basic Bible lessons and Christian principles to the children while they are with them. We make our nursery available for other events throughout the year as well, and for weekday programs and other functions.
We also have a Quite Room right off the Sanctuary for parents and their little ones. The room has rocking chairs, changing tables (stocked for your needs) and a crib to assist you as you care for the youngest in your midst while at church. There is also a monitor with a live feed of the Sanctuary so you can remain engaged with the service while in the Quiet Room.
Click here for info about our First Sunday Youth and Young Family Bible Study!
Worship and Wonder is offered for Kindergarten - 4th Grade on Sundays at 10:00 am. The hands-on Bible lessons allow kids to truly experience each narrative while also learning about the Church Year and historic Faith.
Classes are tailored to age and stage:
Younger Elementary students will learn foundational Bible stories through Montessori based lessons to provide a scaffolding for lifelong learning about faith.
Upper Elementary students will follow the readings for Sunday mornings and get familiarized with navigating the Bible and engaging it themselves. In this class, teachers facilitate, and the students lead! They learn by locating scripture, reading it aloud together and then retelling it. Using the same Montessorial sets they’ve grown familiar with through their time in Younger Elementary classes, they will get to wonder some questions about what they are learning and how it applies to their own lives. Our aim is to build their understanding as well as to orient them to the Bible.
For both classes, memory verses, songs, activities, and learning the foundations of the Faith -Lord’s Prayer, Creed, Books of the Bible- are all focal points. They’ll begin each class with songs taught by one of our talented pianists in the church. We hope this may grow into musical offerings during worship in the future.
The mission of the St. Barnabas Anglican Youth Ministry is to build a foundation of Christian faith that helps youth to strengthen their relationship with Christ through fellowship, service, and the study of His Word, and to equip them with the tools they need to spread the Gospel with those around them. Above all, our goal is to point ALL youth toward Jesus as our only Lord and Savior, and encourage them to follow in His ways every day of their lives.
The Saint Barnabas Anglican Youth Ministry meets Sundays during the Spring and Fall at Saint Barnabas following Worship on Sunday mornings from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM on the first Sunday of the month for food, fellowship, and study. In addition to our Sunday meetings, we also participate in diocesan-wide youth events hosted by Fort Worth Anglican Youth Ministries & The Diocese of Fort Worth Young Adults. As we have more youth we hope to meet more regularly!
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth