Feast and Fellowship Events

Feast and Fellowship Events

During the month we celebrate major feast days with a short 30-40 minute said Holy Eucharist Mass (there is no music) that includes a brief homily about the day.

These major feast days fall into two main categories: Principal Feasts, and Holy Days - which are also known as Red Letter Days. These include some important moments in Jesus’ life, like the receiving of his name, eight days after his birth, according to the law, which we celebrate on January 1. Others include people such as the apostles or the reminder of the invisible realm, as on Saint Michael and All Angels. Each are found at the back of the Book of Common Prayer in the Calendar (pages 688 and following in the 2019 BCP), and these primary Holy Days were traditionally written in red where other saints days and observances were written in black.

These services are a way to connect with the Lord in the midst of your week. The fellowship portion of the Feast and Fellowship events follow the service, and all are welcome to come and go, or come and enjoy the fellowship afterwards.

Page title image credit: ‘The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs’, 1423 by Fra Angelico

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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