About Saint Barnabas Fort Worth

About Saint Barnabas Church

Saint Barnabas Anglican Church exists to make disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ by: coming together under the love of Jesus Christ, growing into His character, and going out to do all that He teaches.

We connect in community to save the lost, transform the found, raise up people to serve and lead with worshipping God at the center of all we do.

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We embody our Anglican heritage

We pursue transformation into the character of Christ as our highest calling 

  •  Our quality of life reflects an inner change that comes as we lay aside our old self and its inordinate desires. — Gal 5:16-24, Eph 4:22-24
  •  Our spiritual gifts equip us for ministry — Eph 4:8-16
  •  Seek the greater reward through generous lives toward God - 1 Tim 6:18
  •  Through prayer we seek the Lord, His will for our lives, one another, and His Church — 1 Thess 5:17


We connect with one another in

encouraging relationship

  • With brotherly love and affection we care for one another — Romans 12:10, 1 Peter 3:8
  • Accountability and forgiveness nourish freedom in Christ and build genuine bonds
  • Maintain healthy ministry relationships - see Relational Covenant

We are a missionary community that reaches people who are disconnected from God and His Church

  • Create loving, welcoming environment marked by profound hospitality in order to bring them into relationship with God — Hebrews 13:12, 1 Peter 4:9
  •  Missionary zeal as reflected in our namesake, Barnabas — Acts 4:36-37
  • Be a presence in our community for Jesus Christ — Luke 8:16

History of Saint Barnabas Fort Worth

Our mission was named by Bishop Iker on June 11, the feast day for St. Barnabas. The name Barnabas means “Son of Encouragement." 

The first reference in the New Testament to Barnabas introduces him as one whose missionary efforts would cause him to be called, like the Twelve, an apostle. 

Barnabas responded early to the missionary life of the church by selling a field and turning the proceeds over to the apostles. (Acts 4:36-37) It was Barnabas who introduced Paul to the apostles. It was this introduction that led to Paul's inclusion in the life of the apostolic church. Barnabas' life was marked by generosity, hospitality and missionary zeal.

St. Barnabas’ life has been an inspiration to our mission church. From the very beginning of our life as a congregation, a concerted effort has been made to imitate his life as it relates to generosity, hospitality and missionary zeal. The first offering collected by St. Barnabas the Apostle was given to the people of Northern Malawi, who were suffering the effects of a devastating famine. We continue in that tradition today. On August 24, 2008,

Fr. Louis Tobola, Bishop Jack Iker and Canon Charles Hough celebrated the first Mass in our new home.

Fr. Petta was called as the second Vicar (senior pastor) in October of 2011 and has served at Saint Barnabas since that time. God continued to bring growth, vision and momentum over the years. On November 16, 2019, under his leadership, Saint Barnabas became a parish, becoming self sufficient and having grown to more fully support the needs of the community and God's work in the world.

Today, St. Barnabas is a family of believers who study, worship and fellowship as disciples of Jesus Christ. We welcome you to find community here!

Background image: Saint Barnabas. Storye book,

CC BY-SA 4.0 www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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