Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
As we continue in the Easter season this week, we are called to reflect upon what Jesus' resurrection means for both us and the world. His bursting forth from the grave conquered sin and death. And that changes everything. His victory is our victory, as sin and death looses its power over us as well as all over all of creation.
His victory in our lives, however is only seen when we allow Jesus to reign in our desires, passions, and even our goals. He sets our affections right in aligning them with God's will. He gives us purpose, even amidst the seemingly mundane. He gives us the victory over our sinful nature when we invite Him into our day and lives.
Daily we have victory in Jesus, if we would but ask Him for it. As we rise, we can simply dedicate ourselves anew to Him while inviting Him to give us eyes to see and ears to hear Him that day. If we find times to keep our hearts attuned to Him, He will meet us in the day. This can be done in simple actions throughout our day, such as listening to Christian music on the commute, or spending time reading God's Word over lunch. As we abide in Him, He abides in us. And we begin to discover His promptings through the recalling of a Bible verse when we see someone in need, such as 'whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me,' or in song, or prayer.
In learning to listen, spend time with, and surrender our days to Him, we allow the victory of Easter to spread throughout the world. We are His Church, His Body, so Jesus' victory over sin and death is both experienced and seen through us. May we with joy live out the proclamation we say weekly on Sundays during Easter through our lives, 'The Lord is Risen indeed. Alleluia!'
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth