Dear beloved in Christ Jesus,
As we near the midway point in the year, I wanted to provide you with a state of the parish update. First and foremost, let me thank you for the strong support financially this year! It has enabled us to do much in terms of discipleship. We’ve been able to pour into children and teens regularly through your help, in addition to pushing out a multitude of mission funds to those beyond our walls. Your partnership touches many and enables us to steward our site well as it ages.
Looking ahead I’d like to call your attention to three main areas in the life of the church. The first is the upcoming shift to a diocesan program called Discovery Bible Study. Bishop Reed himself has dedicated time to the coaching and implementation of this study and its ability to not only be a resource for our churches but a tool in a broader discipleship strategy. He has encouraged each church to take it on.
In exploring it myself I’ve found it quite unlike any other Bible study I’ve encountered. It doesn’t require a study guide or resource but serves as a framework for all to open God’s Word, internalize it, take away an action step from the Scripture studied, then be accountable to the group for follow through of its implementation in one’s life. We will begin to use it in all our groups starting this fall (men’s group, women’s group, Youth Group, and Growth Groups). Instead of adding onto what we are currently doing, this serves to overlay upon what is already happening and provide for greater engagement, implementation, and growth in the likeness of Jesus.
We’d love to include all who are interested in finding out more about it and seeing it first hand in August after church. Each Sunday in August (7,14,21,28) we will meet over pizza in the Youth Room to learn, practice and be equipped to roll it out across the parish in September. Please email the office if you’d like to join! I’m excited for this step of not only being in God’s Word for study as a church, but a means to engage God’s Word toward the end that it impacts our lives regularly as we share about it with others.
Secondly, in case you missed it a couple weeks ago, Colin Craig, our Youth Director, is transitioning away from that role as he just welcomed a new baby. He will be sorely missed. I am meeting with all youth group aged parents on June 12 to talk about next steps, including the introduction of Discovery Bible Study, as well as to hear from them about their ideas and needs. If you’d like to join, please do so that day.
Lastly, our children’s ministry is need of more hands. We have grown our base of children in Sunday School weekly and need more volunteers this fall. Would you pray about helping? The lessons we use are very easily scripted out, require little prep, and fill the time well. If we can get enough help, it would only require one pair (couple or two individuals) to give up the first half of worship on a Sunday once a month or even every six weeks. Our children are our future of the Church, and their formation will be a blessing to you as well as to them. Please consider taking this on and uphold those who serve toward that end.
More to come in the months ahead! And as we often encourage you to do over the summer, consider automating the important. If you are away over the coming months, ministry marches on with VBS, site maintenance and prep for the fall. By visiting our website, you can set up online giving for a few months to continue to support the vital work of ministry at our church. As always, if you have questions on any of these items, or anything else, do reach out!
Fr. Andrew
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth