Dear beloved in Christ Jesus,
We transitioned from our 2021 focal points of provision, program, and passion that dovetailed into our 2022 focal points of retiring the debt, reaching and retaining 15 new households, and renewing a 3-5 year vision for our parish. As we conclude the first quarter of 2022, hard to believe, I wanted to update you on these areas. I likewise want to thank you and spur you on in your giving and engagement at the church.
As I shared at the annual meeting, our goal of resolving the debt is not one of launching another capital funding effort, but one of prayer and partnership with the Lord to advance mission and ministry at the church. The debt continues to incumber and stifle us, so the Vestry and I have been looking creatively at how we can move forward together. God is bringing creative opportunities that we are exploring. Pray for us to have wisdom and we will report on the details as they materialize. Thank you for your partnership in faithful giving, and for those who have not made such a commitment it is truly needful and has an impact as you will read below!
Our program, or outreach, as you have heard is Good News Club. We are nearing the midway point of our Spring effort. We see fruit and need your help. You can help us provide snacks for the 12-15 attending by dropping treats off at the church or by giving a little extra with a memo that it’s to be used for GNC. Likewise, you could write a note of encouragement to one of those attending. You can simply let them know you are praying for them by name, for instance. Lastly, through your giving, we are planning five events to assist us in reaching and retaining these or other new families. After working to build such relationships, getting further equipped in evangelism, and thinking more intentionally about engaging those in our spheres of influence, we hope these events provide a soft landing into community at our church. You will see and hear more about these in the weeks ahead and see the postcard we are giving away to those in the community enclosed with upcoming events.
Lastly, we continue to discern, listen, and follow the path the Lord is revealing in the years ahead as we move toward further growth, staffing, planning, and communication going forward. Again our hope is to move beyond that which incumbers and more fully uninhibited into mission and ministry together. I hope we can have an Eastertide lunch to begin to talk more fully about these plans together, so keep an eye out for a date! Much is needful as we move forward together, and I am grateful for your giving and partnership in the Gospel. We have a busy quarter ahead, and your involvement and giving is the fuel for ministry and life together. If you have any questions, my door is always open to you.
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth