The past few weeks we have explored two of the three pillars of Lent; fasting and almsgiving. Both are intended to create space in our lives so that we can spend time with the Lord. The chief way we do so is through prayer. Communication is the key to strengthening and maintaining any relationship, and the same is true of our relationship with the Lord. Cultivating and creating times to be with the Lord is vital to our spiritual growth.
Prayer is a two way street, one in which we both converse with God and He converses with us. As one of the Church Fathers, Isidore, wisely noted, “Anyone who wants to be always united to God must pray often and read the Bible often. For in prayer it is we who are speaking to God, but in the readings it is God speaking to us.” As simple as that reminder may seem, it can be a challenge to put into practice. Yet, such moments are vital to keep us grounded in the trials and chances of life, to keep perspective, and to allow us to further trust Him.
Through prayer and times of listening by spending time God’s Word we train ourselves to go to God with all things in our lives from the hurts, difficulties, decisions, and thanksgivings. Each afford us an opportunity to dialogue with God about what is going on in our lives and seek guidance from Him. We seek counsel from so many people in this life. What if we went to Him as frequently as we did a friend, parent, sibling or spouse with what was happening in our lives? How might it change us if we sought out our Author and Creator first and foremost above all others?
We would discover a greater peace and clarity through moments in His presence. Such a discovery isn’t necessarily directly correlated to the amount of time spent with Him as Osawald Chambers observed, “It is not the thing on which we spend most time that molds us, but the thing that exerts the greatest power. Five minutes with God and His word is worth more than all the rest of the day.” Certainly this is a great place to being. Learning to cultivate times and keep and ongoing dialogue with the Lord throughout the day transforms us and aligns our lives with His will for us.
The challenge for us in this season is creating space in our lives to find this to be true. The even greater challenge is allowing ourselves to continue to create such moments beyond this season to carry on daily. May God continue to assist us with His grace as we seek Him first, bring things before Him and allow Him to speak to us through the pages of His Word.
(Image: Theindigochxld, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth