Good Shepherd Sunday is annually celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Easter (this Sunday). Every year we read a portion of the tenth chapter of John’s gospel as we reflect upon this image Jesus uses to reveal the character and nature of God in a series of “I AM” statements. We do well to see these that “I AM” statements refer back to the first revelation of God’s name to His people, Israel, as He spoke to Moses.
In these statements and this passage we are reminded of a fundamental truth of Christianity, that we can have relationship with God through Jesus Christ. From the moment God reveals His name to His people until it is revealed fully in Jesus, we see the heart of God who not only made us in His image, but also desires to have relationship with us.
We encounter this reality through an image that is profoundly lost upon us in the West. The closest we come to grasping the role of a shepherd is through the affection we have for pets. Yet, it only scratches the surface of a way of life for the shepherd. A shepherd’s life requires total dedication, time, attention, selflessness, and care to allow the creatures they attend to thrive.
As I reflect upon this image for this Sunday, I also feel as though we not only miss out upon the imagery but the very nature of relationship itself that it reveals. After all, most of you will read this on social media, our website, or by way of email. We are far less relational as we are buried in the very technology and conveniences that are intended to connect us. Ironically, they seem to do quite the opposite.
Perhaps the yearly reminder of Good Shepherd Sunday is more needed now than ever. In it we are reminded once again through the teachings of Jesus that apart from Him we cannot truly have relationship with God, or meaningful and rightly ordered relationships with anyone else. As we gather Sunday we are reminded of this truth as we worship side by side and also commune with Him. The very purpose of the Church is revealed therein as well!
Come Sunday as we press into the Truth revealed in Jesus Christ in the pages of Scripture together. In so doing we connect in meaningful relationship with the living God and set aside the distractions of life to connect with one another. Don’t miss out on this opportunity that is ever before us, yet one that is perhaps more needed now than ever before.
Image: “Icon of Good Shepherd” Anonymous Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth