The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5-7)
Thanksgiving Day calls us to pause, gather with family and friends, and give thanks for the blessings of this life. We enjoy time together with those closest to us with no agenda aside from sharing their company. Such moments are cherished as the busyness of our lives often gets in the way of these times. It is also within this brief reprieve of our schedules that the problems in our lives don’t seem nearly as great in the face of so many blessings that surround us.
Thanksgiving, as a practice in our lives, likewise keeps everything in perspective. It is spiritual principle that we, as Christians, are called to apply daily. Recounting and giving thanks for the blessings God provides in our lives changes our attitude, disposition, and how we live. It also grounds us in the reality of His provision for us daily, His protection, and His good plans and purposes for our lives.
In the passage above, Paul reminds us to make our requests known to God in prayer with thanksgiving. There is such wisdom in that line. It is through thanksgiving that we rightly seek the Lord, and discover His peace that passes our understanding. God’s peace guards our hearts and minds as we lift our concerns before Him with thankfulness.
Thankfulness safeguards against so many things. We cannot be anxious, mad, worried, afraid, or even selfish when we practice thanksgiving. It dispels these things as we stop to recall the countless reasons we have to give thanks. As we do so, we are also more aware of His goodness in small ways and great ones, from a roof over our head to the saving work of Jesus Christ for us.
As we pause this week, may we do so daily. Each day can be bookended by thanksgiving as we rise to begin the day and as we lay down our head at night. Doing so will change your life. I can tell you from personal experience that if you put this principle in practice it is more effective at reducing stress, anxiety, and helping you rest than any miracle drug on the market! Happy Thanksgiving to each of you!
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth