Beloved in Christ Jesus,
As 2020 draws to a close we have high hopes of brighter days ahead in 2021. We have faced many challenges and persevered through the ups and downs of the past year together. I am grateful for each of you, and miss the regular connections we share at Saint Barnabas. We hope to have more opportunities beginning in January to facilitate such moments to grow in the likeness of Jesus and spur one another on in community. As always, if things change we will adapt once more and pivot as needed. However, we wanted to get a few key dates and discipleship opportunities upon your calendars.
Beginning January 10, we hope to launch back into regular offerings for children and youth. If our local medical experts deem the current situation more favorable, we will offer the nursery once again beginning at 9:45 am for our younger worshippers and have Worship and Wonder available for Kindergarten - 5th grade during the 10 am service. We’d love to take a step toward seeing them face to face and then roll out some of our more regular offerings later in the year. Our little ones have grown accustomed to the safety measures this fall and we feel that we can work with them in person using those same steps in January. If we can safely take such a step, we will continue to upload the lessons on YouTube on Sunday afternoons for those who remain remote.
Youth Group will continue meeting in person and resume on January 10 with their regular meetings from 4:30 - 6:30 pm on Sunday afternoons. Ages 6-12 grade are encouraged to join in study, fellowship and fun as we get into a new year. They too will take all the safety measures needed to ensure their own health and that of others.
Lastly, for our adults and young adults we are going to keep things simple this winter and spring. We have a wonderful opportunity to potentially host a national Bible study called Community Bible Study at our church. It will draw in many from outside our walls in many traditions who seek to dive deep into the Word of God. It serves as a book by book in depth study of Scripture that steeps one in the context, verse, and cross reference to build one up more fully in the Faith.
We are embarking upon a discernment phase in hopes to launch this upcoming fall. Weekly gatherings for prayer, study, and exploration will begin January 13 at 7:00 pm. Instead of hosting multiple Growth Groups and studies this will be our primary focus. It has great potential for both outreach and individual growth as each member of Saint Barnabas grows to more fully know and apply Scripture in their own lives. Through the winter and spring the meetings will be via Zoom per the national organization’s decision. I hope we become a hub for robust Bible study and maturity here for generations to come.
For those who desire more, we will also continue the Sunday morning Bible study at 9 am either in person or via Zoom focused upon the Sunday readings and will send out a devotional guide weekly.
We will hold our plans loosely as things continue to change, but we wanted to lay forth what the Lord is doing before you! Unlike last summer, we are more prepared to receive everyone through professional grade sanitization of our facility weekly (using an electrostatic sprayer and vital oxide solutions) and hand sanitization stations. We are taking every step to ensure your safety and that of others, while seeking to continue to move forward in mission and discipleship. You remain in my prayers daily and please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth