This Sunday marks the end of the church year. Traditionally, it has been called Christ the King Sunday, and the readings and collect focus upon Jesus' Lordship. The central theme serves to remind us that He is both in control and in the midst of restoring all things. Quite fittingly it leaves us with this image of our Savior as we turn the page and begin a new year. As we begin each new year with the Advent season, we prepare not only to recall Jesus' birth, but also for His Second Coming. Christ the King Sunday keeps this image of ruler and judge before us as we are to always be ready for that Final Day.
It is appropriate that this day also falls on the week of our Thanksgiving holiday. We gather with friends and family to give thanks for them and the blessings in our lives, while likewise being reminded to give thanks for our King. And we keep that in mind this week, thanking Him for his sacrifice for our sake and that all we have and all we are come from Him.
Take time to reflect upon His Lordship and provision. Perhaps you may resolve over the next few days leading up to Christ the King Sunday to spend ten minutes a day to thank God. Once we begin to recall and thank Him for family, food, homes, houses, and the numerous blessings we have, in addition to life eternal, it puts the holiday in perspective. It may also inoculate us for the cultural frenzy of Black Friday and materialism that runs ramped in the days to follow! The biggest way to combat the cynicism, fear, frustration, and stress of this time of year is to stay in a place of thanksgiving and worship before the Lord.
I pray that each of you enjoy time with friends and family, and that the joy that we celebrate this Sunday may fill your homes and hearts. For indeed we truly are a blessed people, who have been given so much. May we model that in our lives and attitudes so that all may visibly see the hope we possess.
© Saint Barnabas Anglican Church Fort Worth